About Us

Our Pack’s Tale

Welcome to the cozy corner of the web curated by AnimalWeLove – a place where every creature’s story is told with affection and zest.

Our Journey

Borne out of a passion that sparked one starry night under the communal gaze of a huddle of hedgehogs, AnimalWeLove started as a dream. A dream to connect people to the vast tapestry of life that thrums outside our human hustle.

Our Mission

To celebrate every twitch of a whisker and flutter of a feather. We’re here to educate, inspire, and foster a community where the welfare of animals is paramount.

Our Values

  • Compassion: Every creature deserves love and respect, and we champion this daily.
  • Curiosity: The animal world is riddled with wonders. We seek to uncover and share every morsel.
  • Conservation: We believe in protecting our planet’s biodiversity, one story at a time.

What Sets Us Apart?

We’re not just a website; we’re a sanctuary where empathy meets education. Our articles are more than words; they’re windows into the souls of the silent beings that share our world.

Join us on this expedition through the wild, the domestic, and the spaces in between.