How Big Should A Chicken Coop Be?

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Written By ManuelPeterson

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A Aivituvin chicken coops is essential if you want to keep chickens in your home. Either you can buy a pre-built chicken coop or make your own. These design considerations will help you build a read more chicken coop that is sound, predator-proof and affordable.

It is important that your chicken coop is safe and sound. We’ll be discussing this below.

The location of the Coop

It is crucial to plan the location of your chicken coop so that you can maintain hygiene and protect the birds. To avoid flooding and water build-up, chicken coops should be constructed on elevated ground.

You can make the coop from a simple structure or use an existing structure like a dog house or garden shed. The coop should be minimally structurally sound, have nesting boxes, roosting bars and space for a waterer and feeder.

Coop Size

Chickens can sleep and lay eggs in their coops without fear of predators. A chicken needs to have its own run or outside space. However, chickens will need more space inside their coop if they are restricted.

Coop Material

There are many options for materials that a chicken coop can be made from. However, there are some better options. Virginia Cooperative Extension recommends plywood as a backyard chicken coop. Plywood is very durable and affordable. Primer and paint are essential for plywood’s durability. You can also use plywood to make windows and holes in your coop. This will allow you to ventilate the inside of your backyard flock.

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Protection from Predators

How to protect a flock against predators is an important consideration. Coyotes and fisher cats, dogs, snakes, and coyotes are some of the most dangerous predators for backyard chickens. Some snakes love to eat chicken chicks, and will attempt to crawl between the coop walls or the ground in order to get to backyard chickens.

Factors that will determine the size of your chicken coop

The sizes of your chickens

Bantam chickens will require less space than standard breeds. Australorps and Orpingtons are larger breeds than those of smaller standard breeds like Leghorns or Polish.


The Roosters are larger than their hen cousins and may require more space.

But it is even more important to consider how many roosters your plan to keep. A larger chicken coop is required if you plan to keep more than one rooster.

Subordinate roosters may be forced to keep a certain distance away from the hens by dominant roosters. Your coop should be large enough to allow a subordinate bird to keep it clean. If they don’t, your hens could become injured or even killed.

Size of the flock

A common observation I have made from managing multiple flocks of different sizes is the greater need for personal space. Chickens from larger flocks are more aggressive than those from smaller ones. It could be because larger flocks of chickens aren’t as bonded as their mates in smaller flocks.

Breed temperament

Certain chicken breeds require more space than others. For example, my Barred Plymouth Rock hens seem to require more space than my Ameraucana chickens. Unfortunately, different strains can have their own characteristics. It is possible that you won’t know what the strain you are buying will do. Always choose more space for your coop than less.

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Individual temperament

Chickens are one of these individuals. Despite certain breeds having certain characteristics, there will always be oddballs. It’s impossible to predict the personalities of your chickens so it is a good idea to provide more chicken coop space than you need.

Run or yard size

The size of your chicken run is a crucial aspect to consider when deciding how big your chicken house should be.

You should consider a minimum of 10 square feet for each chicken. If you have bantams, this is even less. Although 25 square feet is more humane than 25 square feet for chickens, I understand that many backyard chicken owners might not be able.


Chickens spend more time in their chicken coop when it is cold, windy or rainy. Consider a larger chicken coop if you live in such harsh conditions.

My first winter with chickens turned out to be the coldest and most snowy winter Idaho has ever experienced in over 30 years. For weeks, we had single-digit temperatures, which is frigid for us! It was a horrible thing for the chickens.